Pressure mapping

How is pressure mapping on a saddle performed?
A pressure mapping foil with sensors is placed on the saddle. As soon as the rider gets on the saddle, the pressure is mapped with approx. 100 pressure mapping sensors and the result sent to a computer. Thanks to the remote transmitter, the pressure mapping can be performed statically in the lab on a trainer or dynamically in real life on the trail. The pressure distribution is displayed by colour: blue represents low pressure, then the pressure rises from turquoise through green, yellow, orange to red.

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Pressure mapping diagram of the SQlab step saddle
The pressure mapping diagram shows an optimal pressure distribution from a medical stand point on the sitbones (red) and pubic bones (orange/yellow) and almost no pressure in the perineal area.

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Pressure mapping of an arched saddle.
Shows increased pressure (yellow to red) in the perineal area and in the area of the pubic bone arch.

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Pressure mapping of a saddle with cut-out.
Shows concerningly high pressure peaks on the sides of the perineal area, where important arteries and nerves are located.
In the centre the blood is able to flow well, but numbness will still be an issue.
